Matter of FAQs

What can I expect from the Natal Signature Chart Reading?

While I offer a variety of consultations, the first reading for every client is the Natal Signature reading. This is a natal chart reading where we examine the meanings connected to the celestial bodies in their configuration at the moment you were born. The natal chart is said to hold a promise, that is, it possesses a particular and dynamic signature that is unique to you. Celestial bodies function as a kind of cosmic clock that moves in such a way that even twins, or those who share your birthday, or who were born in the same place, still have a distinctive birth chart that is vastly different than your own. During this session, I’ll uses a variety of techniques to explain to you the attributes of this chart. I have expertise in a variety of secondary charts or additional layers, but for the first step we’ll look at your natal chart and get to know its nuanced promise—it’s hopes, potentials, and signatures.

I use Whole Sign Houses, the Tropical Zodiac and both Traditional and Modern styles in my approach.

This session will take place over Zoom. I’ll share an image of your chart and go step by step through its planetary placements and aspects. You’ll be free to ask questions and offer insights as much as you wish. Or it’s fine to listen and take in the information.

Why do I need my accurate birth time?

Your birth time determines what are known as “the angles” in your chart. These points are associated with the major cyclical actions in a life. They provide an enormous amount of specific information necessary for reading planets not only within their zodical sign, but also within houses. I use Whole Sign Houses, but I can look at Placidus if you have a preference. A precise birth time offers a range of techniques and practices that use this time as a basis for calculation.

If you don’t have your birth time, but are curious about astrology—try my impromptu 30 minute consultation that looks are your planets within signs.

To find your birth time or to double-check it:

  • Locate birth records if you were born at a place that records, ask for them to be sent to you.
  • Contact your health department or department of vital records (this varies by country and by U.S. state) and order your birth certificate. Make certain it’s the “long form” that lists the birth time.
  • Check your birth certificate—it may be listed there.
  • Look through a “baby book” or other artifacts or mementos from your birth which may list the exact time.
  • Check with your birth mother or with other persons who may have been present or who have the information.

If you can’t access it, consider seeing an astrologer who specializes in natal chart rectification.

How can I schedule an appointment?

Please choose a consultation on my Moods & Services page and you’ll see a calendar where you can choose a day and time that works for your schedule. If this is your first consultation with me, please choose the Natal Promise reading.

Payment is due at scheduling.

You will receive a Zoom link via email. Please refer to the Policies for more information.

What are your policies and practices for consultations?



Our appointments will take place over Zoom. Once you book you’ll receive the Zoom link for your appointment. You are not required to have your camera on, that depends on your preference. I will use my camera and share my screen so that you can see your chart. You will also receive a PDF of your natal chart via email after the consultation.

Zoom offers you the option to record your consultation on your end if you like. This is fine with me and I recommend it. You may want to view it again—there’s a lot of information to process in the moment! There are many details and there is a certain complexity to information that may be difficult to remember. I’ll also be providing information that can enliven or come into greater focus at a later date even if it seems less significant during the session. In that case, you may want to refer back to the recording.

Even if you record, you may want to have a pen and paper at the ready for notes to self.

Privacy and Safety

If you choose to record, I ask the video remain for your private use and not be posted publicly—of course you may choose to share it with close friends or family. I consider sessions an intimate, personal, and individual discussion. I find that together, we create a vital container knowing boundaries are in place surrounding intimate and private knowledge.

I will not discuss you, your chart, or any details beyond our consultation time or with any other persons, even broadly or anonymously. This is a container for you and I think of it as a private sanctum.

All consultations are designed with a deep respect for your humanity and experience and with intention to be a safe and positive experience. Feel free to offer guidance or feedback to me at any time on that front so that I can realign and redirect if you’re uncomfortable.

I reserve the right to cancel or refuse service at any time for any reason-in which case I will offer a full refund.


You can cancel or reschedule up to 48 hours in advance of your appointment and receive a full refund.

Cancellations made within the 48 hour window before your appointment will be refunded in full minus a $50 cancellation fee.

Cancellations made within 3 hours of your scheduled appointment, or missed appointments, cannot be refunded. However, clients may contact me to arrange rescheduling or refunds in the event of unforeseen or extenuating circumstances, but this option cannot be guaranteed.

You’ll receive the Zoom appointment link via email and will receive several reminders via email in the week and days before your appointment. Please check your email for these reminders and respond to me via email should a need arise.

In the event that I need to cancel, you’ll be offered either a full refund or the chance to reschedule.


CONSULTATIONS ARE INTENDED TO CONVEY ASTROLOGICAL INFORMATION TO BE USED FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. When you purchase a consultation you acknowledge that the information provided does not have a relationship to forecasting and the like. Your purchase constitutes agreement to that edict and acknowledgment that sessions do not include expert legal, medical, financial or psychological advice. I adhere to the Code of Ethics at ISAR, where I am a member.

How did you set your rates and why do you have some complimentary services?

Rates, as attuned to value, are subjective and within our commodified world, rates for all things can undervalue service or exclude persons who cannot afford them.

As a person who knows what it is to live with lack and to have been made vulnerable from a larger financial system that structures upon inequality, I am committed to reparative and reciprocal strategies of exchange. I recognize that I, and those who I’m responsible to support, are also embedded within a paradigm that doesn’t value or foreground equity. I want to position my business and my clients in ways that can resist commodification and engage with powerful, alternate ways of exchanging what we deeply value—in essence our time and the ways we seek to make it rich and full.

To book a variety of consultations, please see my Moods & Services page.

I offer 3 complimentary sessions of my Natal Promise chart reading at no charge— 3 per month or more, depending on my capacity.

These complimentary sessions are intended to support the essential dignity of those who are made vulnerable or marginal, especially with regard to finances, by the lack of equity in our culture. I am particularly thinking of members of the BIPOC community, LGBTQ+ persons, single parents, and those with disabilities. While financial vulnerability often aligns with members of the aforementioned groups more than others due to inequality and injustice, that will not be the case for all members of such communities. Therefore, I extend trust to each individual to determine if this gift is for you. And if it is, take it! Compliments of the house. You will not be expected to justify it in any way.

To book a complimentary Natal Promise reading, do so through the Moods & Services page, and at check-out, use the code:


If the code does not work, it means that all sessions have been claimed for that time period. Please check back near the beginning of each month to try to schedule again.

If you have the capacity to fund complimentary sessions for those who would value a Natal Chart reading, but who don’t have means, you can purchase those on my Moods & Services page. Once purchased, I will open up additional complimentary sessions in my calendar. Thank you.

Will you read the charts of partners or children?

I will read the charts for children, age 13 to 17 with permission from their caregiver.

If you are a parent who would like to discuss your child’s chart, contact me to discuss options with this delicate process. This consultation would come after your own natal chart session. I prefer to read the charts of children in relation to the charts of caregivers and in the interest of offering the caregiver a stronger means of caring for and understanding the particular strengths and challenges that may be apparent in the child’s chart.

I will not read the charts of adults or partners not present.

If you would like a synastry, or partner reading, please contact me for this option. Both charts will be read in relation to the other, along with a natal chart reading for each. 150 minutes, $275

What is your primary modus operandi?

I use Whole Sign Houses, but may also look at the Placidus system-especially if my client has an interest there. I use the Tropical Zodiac, and Traditional, ‘Western’ techniques that blend with Modern Astrology as well as my own working theories on delineations based on intensive research and field work. I recognize each chart’s ‘working vocabulary’ of symbols will be highly individualized. I practice an astrology that attunes to your deeply personal and individualized experience of meanings as they converge, align or depart from convention. One of my talents as an astrologer, and longtime meaning-maker, deconstructionist, symbologist, and textual analyst lay in finding the nuanced, myriad modes in which significations take shape within multiple contexts.

What is your training and expertise?

My academic background found a beautiful (9th House Taurus) alignment with astrological study. As a trained scholar of such subjects as Shakespeare, film technology and history, narrative theory, popular culture, and politics, I have lifelong experience understanding structure and semiotics. I also entered astrology with an understanding of the rigor necessary for mastery and the complexity of astrology as a vast, multi-faceted discipline. I’m an ISAR member who has taken multiple courses, attended lectures, webinars, and several conferences, studied books, gotten readings, taken in extensive podcasts and videos, and spent an obscene amount of daily hours on study and research.

I studied astrology without any intention of becoming an astrologer or even talking about it outside of rare mention in private circles. However, once I began reading charts for my friends and family, I found myself loving doing so and being lovingly encouraged to read again and to read more. Baroque Moon Astrology was born.

This enterprise was the last thing I ever would’ve expected—but strangely, and uncannily, it feels just right. After chart readings, so many have told me that I have to go forward with doing consultations—that this is what I should do. Truth be told, without the enthusiasm and encouragement from friends and family, my astrology would likely still be private. I’m going forward publicly with new endeavor bound in the sweet, supportive beneficence of those who have known me best.


How did you become an Astrologer?

I recall the first time I cast my own chart. Printed it out. Stared at the circle that’s always struck me as resembling a camera lens. I didn’t know the glyphs. I had no idea what the aspect grid was all about. The geometry in the center was a cipher. It was cryptic and I admit to feeling a keen skepticism. But I wanted to make certain it was nonsense before I abandoned the topic. I knew it would be a serious undertaking even to translate my own natal chart. I felt such a strong pull to check it out carefully to be sure I could leave it behind. I found intro sources and dove in. I already knew that when a topic is complex and technical, you have to go very slowly, start with the basics, and don’t move forward until you’re solid on the foundation. I knew it would take forever. Hours. Maybe 3 months? I began my course of study. I haven’t stopped. This is my life now.

My experience is likely similar to any who take the plunge into the topic.

You are first struck with an uncanny strangeness when you realize the methods work—and not only on a symbolic level. You notice they seem to have a practical affinity with known reality. These epiphanies struck in me a desire to undo them, to unravel them. To try again and again to make them fail. To make it turn out wrong. Or to discover a reasonable accounting for why it’s working. This requires the astrological scholar to question themselves and to question their own motives, over and over. I critiqued my huge desire to have meaning. I resisted the profound joy in the working of it, in the realizations of it. I wouldn’t give in easy to the pleasure without its full interrogation. I was determined not to fall for nonsense. I resisted going easy on astrology. I wrestled with its seductions. I didn’t want it to work.

Please trust that the further I dove in, the more legitimate my findings became. I have not gotten used to the uncanny epiphanies that accompany astrological study. I often have what can only be called existential crises as I grapple with the larger ramifications. If it works, why? If it works, what does that portend for everyone and everything, but especially what does it say about suffering? What does it say about the oppressive structure of humanity that I will not, cannot, accept as a fundamental condition? (Although, some argue change requires conflict-so is conflict required and why and how?) But astrology is not universal—not at all. There are multiple astrologies for variant cultures across the globe and throughout history. I understand they each work. Why? Do you see where this is going?

From my vantage: astrological techniques work—they offer tools that are significantly apt for assessing the patterns and events of life—on both a practical, material level and on one that is gorgeously synchronistic and symbolic.

I have found an inspired, continuous joy in my studies.

My continuous “skepticism” endures. I find it to be an ethos to live by. There is a careful part of me that checks, double-checks, triple-checks and then puts the knowledge through multiple filters to make sure I’m being thoughtful, responsible, and careful. That’s part of my process.

But I also immerse in the poetics of astrology—the liminal joy of making meaning, finding patterns, and undoing and recreating the structures of daily life, of epic stories, and the distilling of love, of its various forms.

I look forward to the incredible, carefully drawn wonder of reading your chart with you.

Why are politics and power important in astrology?

I see politics as engagement with power, and in tandem, I see human existence as a political act. I find oppressive dynamics undergirding astrological content which I seek to be conscious of and to resist, while offering clients liberatory possibilities and practices. I see astrology as a way to engage with personal power within larger systems of meaning.

I’ve been an activist and organizer who supports the rights of all persons made vulnerable and marginal, or who endure harm, due to racist, homophobic, capitalist, ableist, ageist white supremacy in addition to the myriad additional forms of systemic oppression. My politics work toward intersectional humanitarian ethics as daily practice, which I consciously apply to my uses of astrology.